Stereotype Prevention

Stereotypes are very common in high schools; in fact it is so
common that the students see it as normal. The media does its job by promoting
it; take for example the making of teenage movies like Mean
, or TV shows like Glee.
What these shows are telling their teenage audience is that it is more than okay
to have cliques in schools; these are cliques varying from jocks, cheerleaders,
nerds, rebels, preps, and so on. When in the teenage years it may seem awesome
to be part of the popular group in school, as a matter fact some high school
students make it their goal to be popular and well known throughout the whole
school. Take for example the different clubs and events that take place
throughout a high school year, there is the student council, homecoming king and
queen, prom king and queen, the best all around, team captain, and so on. Yes
these clubs and events may be a fundamental resource for the high school student
for future use; for example by being the team captain it may give leadership
skills to the student. At times
these stereotypes may lead to bullying, and in the end it may also lead to more
serious issues. Stereotyping can have a psychological effect, and may lead to
low self-esteem, depression, and suicide. To prevent this issue from happening
or at least reducing it, U.S. high schools can enforce stricter punishment for
bullying, promote integration of cliques, implement the use of school uniforms,
and the students can help out by having an open mind to other cultures. 
Stereotyping plays a major role in bullying, it is said that they
influence one another, which makes sense if we think about it because the
typical scenario in a school is that jocks will bully the nerd who is
  defenseless. According to author Jim Wright who is a school psychologist, he
  believes that schools should first find out in what exact location of the
  school the bullying takes place, they would be able to gain this data by giving
  out surveys. Also the schools should inform the teachers and staff about
  bullying matters, and when should they intervene. As a punishment to the kid
  who plays the role of the bully, the school would establish a policy of
  contacting the parents, and informing them that because of their child’s
  actions they will be monitored when in school property. 
In the end to see if these actions have had an effect in reducing
bullying the schools should take the same matters as in the beginning and take
another survey to really see if there has been a reduction in the issue.

 Cliques in high schools are formed by the common interest that the
students share, but the social dynamics may be different. Most of the time
cliques have a “leader,” and this person controls what other members of the
clique should, or should not do. Because cliques create their own rules, it
  creates pressure on the members because they are afraid of breaking the rule,
  and eventually lead to getting kicked out of the group. The formation of
  cliques is very normal, but they can also lead to trouble. The student may feel
  rejected at some point, and like mentioned before they are forced into
  following rules of the group. To put a stop to this we can encourage the
  students to try and find friends for who they are and not for whom they should
  be. Michelle New encourages teens to speak up for themselves, and take control
  of their own actions, and to just try and meet new people who will respect them
  by who they really are, and not who they are trying to be. 
By implementing the use of school uniforms, there will be a decrease in
the formation of stereotypes. Every student would be wearing the same clothes to
school every day, and this would help out because they would all be treated
equally. What I mean by this is that, in high schools most of the time what
really matters is what clothes you wear, whom design it, and how much it cost.
With the use of the uniforms everyone is the same because everyone paid the same
amount of money for the same polo. Not only will uniforms create a more equal
environment between the students, but according to author Melissa Kelly they
will also help out in the decreasing of violence.
Stereotypes play an enormous part in high schools, but they also have
negative aspects to them. To prevent these schools, parents, and the students
should take some measures into consideration to prevent stereotypes, and reduce